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Continued -

testify to the honest person of the undeniable existence of a God to whom all the world's occupants must some day give account?

In closing, this introspective has caused me to potentially reevaluate how I post on Facebook. In the Bible days, a well-respected religious leader by the name of Gamaliel, was asked his thoughts on the social, political and religious upheaval that was mushrooming following the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ.

Gamaliel didn't say he'd passionately blog paragraph after paragraph in a valiant attempt to change hearts and minds. Instead, as I paraphrase, Gamaliel said, "stand down your yammering and protestations. Human-driven efforts ultimately collapse, but if this upheaval is of God, you cannot overthrow it. You may even in the end discover that you're fighting against God and his plans!"

To the discerning eye, we are undeniably in a time of great change. Great change which to the attentive person appear very much to be in alignment with Biblical prophecy. Perhaps the best thing this preacher can do is limit my raging against the political machine on FB, and repurpose a portion of my postings towards awakening folks to their impending day of accountability.

Yes, I get energized by pontificating about politics, but the last thing I wish to do is to wake up one day and discover that I've been fighting against God's plans.
"The 'End Times' and Civil Liberties"
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